Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Introduction 'Why divine incarnation'

 The Concept of Hindu philosophy is very simple and a scientifically proven one.Actually Hinduism is just a way of living.
Science tells us that early life forms on earth were fish or aquatic animals.Then came amphibians such as turtles. They were followed by land animals like boars- they were not quite human; they were evolving into human beings. In Rama and Krishna avathars the evolution into human being becomes complete. The resemblance between the Divine incarnations and evolving life forms on earth is indeed quite striking.
Physics tells us about the theory of conservation of energy. According to this theory, energy is never destroyed; rather one kind of energy becomes transformed into another kind of energy. our philosophy also says that 'Atma' never dies but it becomes enter into another new body
According to Hinduism, fate determines how long and how well a man would live. It also causes pleasure or pain during the lifetime of a person. When the force of his fate is exhausted, his body dies. Divine incarnations were not controlled by the forces of "karma" ( result of past sins or pious deeds ). God , in order to incarnate on earth in human forms creates an earthly body for himself through his inscrutable divine power and enters into it. By his invisible powers he gives others the impression that he was born of human parents. Out of compassion for his creatures who take refuge in him he absorbs their sins into his earthly body and suffers on their behalf and gives them salvation.
Now we will look at the divine Incarnations and reasons there for.

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