Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Sri KIrishna Avatharam 9

  Sri Krishna avathar is compleately Divine.
In this avathar Lord Krishna gave Bhagavat Gita  and Udhava Gita to mankind - a compilation that is a religious classic with profound phylosophical thoughts. Gita has taught many things to mankind - to lead a life of love, affection,devotion,duty to parents,duty to country etc.
God Sri Krishna says he liberates mankind from their sins when they completely surrender to him and helps them attain perfection. He also says in Gita "abandoning all rites and duties take refuge in me alone. Do not grieve for I shall liberate you from all sins.
Kamsa the king of Madhurapuri was a cruel ruler.He imprisoned his father and took over the reign.
He got his sister Devaki whom he loved very much married to Vasudeva and was bringing them home when Yogamaya appeared in the sky and warned Kamsa that the eighth child of Devaki born with the astrologoical star "Rohini" would kill him.
Immediately kamsa was very restless and consulted his friend Jarasanda and according to his advice imprisoned both Devaki and Vasudeva. When ever devaki gave birth to a child he would immediately kill the baby. Devaki and Vasudeva were very sad and prayed to God Vishnu. The God appeared before them and said "I will be born as your 8th child and I will kill Kamsa Do not worry and have peace of mind." So saying God disappeared.
Aside to the story of Krishna avathar: In the mean time Sri vishnu ordered Aadhi-sesha his five-hooded snake to go into Devaki's womb to be the seveth child. But He said this child would in time be transferred to the womb of Rohini the first wife of Vasudeva and would be born as Balarama - another avathar of the God.
God again ordained that Yokamaya Shakthi would be born as a girl child to Yasoda a lady in the yadava clan in Gokulam at the same time when Sri vishnu would be born as Lord Krishna to Devaki. When Devaki gave birth to Lord Krishna God ordered Vasudeva to take the baby to Gokulam leave it with Yasoda and bring the female child born to Yasoda to the prison to be with Devaki.
By Gods will the jail gates unlocked by themselves, the guards fell asleep to facilitate Vasudeva to take the child to Gakulam as divinely ordained. Further the river Yamuna which was in spate parted to open a path for vasudeva to pass with the child on his head. It was raining also. By Gods instruction a five-hooded snake opened its hood like an umbralla over the child to protect it from the rain. He reached to gokulam and exchanged the children and he came back to the jail with Yogamaya born as a female child. The doors closed and locked itself automatically. All the gaurds woke up from deep slumber.
As soon as he left the child with devaki Immediatly the child began to cry. The guards immediately informed to Kamsa that a child was born to Devaki. Kamsa immediately went to the jail and was surprised and confused to find that the eighth child was a baby girl.
However he snatched the baby and dashes  it head against the jail wall. The baby rose up and appeared as Devi Yokamaya and said "Ho merciless king why are you trying to kill me ? The one to kill you is already born and is growing up somewere. You cannot escape from death." saying this Yogamaya disappeared.
Kamsa was stunned and went to his palace a worried person. He felt very restless.
In the mean time grand celebrations were going on in Gokulam over the birth of Sri Krishna.
Kamsa heard about this and sent his men to Gokulam to find out how many children were born with Rohini as their zodiac star. They went to Gokulam and found that 25 such children were born and informed Kamsa accordingly.They also told him that grand celebrations were going on in one Nandan's house
Kamsa somehow felt very uncomfortable about the birth of Krishna to Nandan and Yasoda and tried various means to kill the child but did not succeed. In time Lord Krishna killed the cruel king.
Nandan sent young Krishna to a hermit for 'gurukula-vasam' for his formal education. Krishna learnt all the sasthras and all the arts. On finishing his education he shifted to Dwaraka from Madhura. He destroyed all the evil forces and and established Dharma.
Krishna helped the 'Pancha-pandavas' the five brothers among whom Arjuna was Krishna's very close friend.He helped them win the war with 'Kowrawas' - the evil 100.
During the war between the 'Kowravas" and the 'Pandavas' Lord Krishna gave the message of
Sri Bhagvat Gita to Arjuna and to the world.
The essence  of Gita:
The Bhagavad-Gita describes to us how the aspirant to the heavens avoids bodily excesses and indulgence and practices abstinence. He goes to a quiet place, regulates his breathing focuses his mind on one point and becomes harmonized with God and detached  from all desire for the fruit of action. When one attains this unity of mind he arrives at a perfect understanding with his fellow beings through sympathy and love.
He is the supreme lord of spiritual experience who conveys those moments of celestial glory when man gets beyond the veil of the flesh and also indicates their true relation to the problems of daily existence.
As a rule these qualities should be associated with Bhakti, love, dovotion, mercy and tenderness,
Krishna's exhortation in Gita is enshrined in millions of hearts as the words of God. It is acknowledged by all as one of the supreme treasures of human literature. Its gospel of devotion to duty without attachment or desire for reward, has shown the way of life for all human rich or poor learned or ignorant - those who seek light in the darkness of the problems of life.

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